- This event has passed.
Yule Revel – Shire of Rio de las Animas
December 3, 2022 @ 12:00 PM - 5:30 PM MST
Toys for Tots Event: Our family will come together to celebrate the year and to look to our future. Riverhold welcomes us again for a family lunch, and companionship.
Lunch will be served at 1:30 and the day will conclude with the burning of the Yule Log. We will then wish all safe travels to their homes. There will be an optional ornament exchange and a dessert competition. The site is discreetly wet. The shire will provide coffee and water. Bring your own drinks.
Reservations are mandatory: send your reservation to gloriamacht@gmail.com. Attendance is limited to 45.
Event Steward: Geua filia Guy (Gloria Macht) gloriamacht@gmail.com
Registration Fees:
Site fee is a new unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots
Feast fee is $10.00
Feast fee is $10.00
Reservations are mandatory, send to gloriamacht@gmail.com
Site is Discreetly Wet
Site is Discreetly Wet
From Hwy 160, turn right o County Road 234, then turn R on CR 240, then R on Estate Rd, take first left, then first R. It is the 2nd house on the right.
From Hwy 160, turn right o County Road 234, then turn R on CR 240, then R on Estate Rd, take first left, then first R. It is the 2nd house on the right.
This Event is held and managed by the Shire of Rio de las Animas, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to Geua filia Guy (Gloria Macht) gloriamacht@gmail.com (Event Steward) or to socialmedia@outlands.org. Any discrepancies between this posting and the Outlandish Herald or the Kingdom website will be decided in favor of the information in the Outlandish Herald.